Monday, September 26, 2016

Tonight's Homework 9/26

Students are to read for 20 minutes and pay close attention to one character.  Students then need to begin a list of character traits based on that specific character.

Students should have taken their Writing Journals home.  They are to respond to the prompt, "Describe a time when you felt very special."  I am encouraging students to write 5 to 7 sentences.

For math, students should be studying their multiplication.  The order they should study are the 1's, 2's, 5's and then 10's.

For Social Studies, students should read pages 18-19 in their Social Studies textbook and be ready to discuss what they read.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Hello Families!!! 9/19/16

Good evening,

First I would like to thank you all on your patience with me.  We have had so many beginning of the year testing meetings that I have yet to had a chance to settle down.  On top of a family emergency last week and jury duty today, I think my students are ready to get back into our routine.

MAP Testing
We will do MAP Testing tomorrow (Reading) and Wednesday (Math) because I want to have information for your child during our conferences.

Check your child's agenda for your confirmation times for your conference.

Safety IDs:
These are being made tomorrow.  I apologize for not sending this home as it completely slipped my mind.  We received these today in our boxes.  If you are sending money for this, one ID is $4.25 and two IDs are $6.00.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

MAP Dates and Time Change Update 9/13/16

Good morning Parents,

We are trying to ensure that the servers do not malfunction during MAP testing so the dates have changed for MAP.  Our class MAP days and times are as follows:

Reading MAP- Friday, Sept. 16 at 10:10
Math MAP- Tuesday, Sept. 20 at 10:10

Thanks so much for your cooperation and understanding!

Monday, September 12, 2016

Dr. Roosevelt Visit Today

Good afternoon,

Students really enjoyed meeting Dr. Roosevelt.  They were so eager to ask questions about NASA.  Tune in at 6:00pm on News 19 WLTX to see our friends, Madison and Hayden, discussing our school and their experience with NASA!  We are so excited!

Friday, September 9, 2016

Friday 9/9/16

Image result for happy fridayGood afternoon,

Please check your child's Family Folder for important school information.

I have posted my Class Jobs to the Expectations and Procedures page on this blog.  If your child would like to preview the job descriptions before applying on Tuesday, it is there for them to peruse.

I have confirmed several parent conferences.  If you have not received a confirmation via your child's agenda, check your email for an electronic scheduling form. I will send out paper forms for those who have not signed up for a time by Wednesday, September 14th.

Have a fantastic week!

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Tonight's Homework 9/8/16

Good afternoon,

Tonight's homework:

Reading: Read 20 min

ELA: Write a paragraph (5-7 sentences) about your NASA doll *If your child does not remember their NASA doll they can wait until they get back to school

Math: Math Hunt (Hunt for multiple sets of objects in the home. Use repeated addition and multiplication to find the totals.)  They need to find at least 3 different sets of objects (example: a hand full of pennies- put them into equal groups and then write the model as a repeated addition sentence and a multiplication sentence)

Social Studies: Complete the Social Studies Weekly map activity

If you have any questions about these activities, feel free to email me.  I will do my best to respond tonight.  If I do not respond before your child's bedtime, I will get with them in the morning for them to complete any assignment.

Thanks for all you do!

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Homework and tomorrow's quiz 9/7

Good evening families,
I have been having some difficulties getting onto my blog the last few days.  Thank you for your understanding.

Tonight's homework:
-Read for 20 min (we chose new books and have been talking about just right books for our bag of books)
-Lesson 4 Homework (Some students were put for ALERT so I've attached some videos to help)
-Read the two articles in the Social Studies weekly (I placed a star on the two articles)

These videos go along with the first 3 lessons we have covered and what the students will be tested on...

Interpret products by drawing pictures:

Interpret products by using repeated addition:

Interpret products using arrays:

Represent multiplication using arrays:

Understand multiplication problems: using equal groups:

Solve multiplication problems: using repeated addition:

Solve multiplication problems by drawing an array:

                     Lesson 4 Videos
Solve division problems by drawing pictures:

Lesson 4 Homework Video

I know it's a lot but I hope this helps

Thursday, September 1, 2016


Dear Richland Two Parents,

Richland School District Two will operate on a half-day schedule on Friday, September 2, due to the potential for severe weather that may impact travel conditions in the afternoon.

Elementary schools will dismiss at 11:30 am.  All after-school events and activities, including after-school care, are canceled on Friday at all of our schools. 

Thank you for adjusting your family’s schedule so that our students and employees arrive home safely before severe weather possibly impacts our area.