Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Very Important Information!! 5/24/17

Rocket Run 
Several students have not turned this form in.  For students to participate, they must send in AT LEAST $2.  Please turn this in by Friday, May 26, 2017.  If you need another form, just email me or have your child ask me for another one.

SC Festival Day 
Image result for south carolinaIt is extremely important that students return this form as we would like to know ahead of time the foods that are going to be available.  Please let me know by tomorrow evening if you have not turned in a form.  Several people have asked about the amount of food to bring in.  As of now, just bring in enough for 22 people but the food will be available for all 100 students.  If you would like to just bring enough for our class, that is completely fine.  We are desperately needing meat and vegetable dishes as we have several desserts and side items coming in.

Those who indicated they would like to volunteer, please be on the lookout for a confirmation email.

Debt Letters
Image result for debtI have been sending home debt letters on an as needed basis.  It is rather difficult to know who all paid when it gets turned in to the office or online.  If you receive a letter and you know you have already paid or returned the item, disregard the letter.  You may want to call or email me first to make sure.  Just know, any debt not settled before report cards could result in a carry over balance next year and your child will not receive their 4th Nine Weeks report card.

Annual Registration 
Image result for registrationTo complete your Annual Enrollment Registration for the 2017-2018 school year began  FOR RETURNING STUDENTS (students already enrolled in Richland Two).

Annual Enrollment "How To" Instructions

This process includes providing annual proof of residence, verifying student information, and reviewing and completing parent/guardian. To prevent delays in scheduling your child’s classes for the 2017–2018 school year, please complete this process as soon as Annual Registration opens.

To get started updating your student information and providing proof of residence for the 2017–2018 school year:
REMINDER: You should not have to enter a Snapcode in order to complete registration. If you are prompted to enter a Snapcode, you will need to contact your school’s registrar so your account can be checked. Once a small change is made, you will be able to access your account without a Snapcode.

Image result for gradesGrades
Final Grades will be done Thursday by 3:30 pm.  The only grades not currently in the system are book club presentations and Mars Challenge project grades.  I will submit those ASAP.  Let me know if you have any questions regarding your child's grades.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Important Homework Announcement

Good afternoon families,

Your child received a Studies Weekly for Week 8.  They are ONLY to READ the articles today (Monday).  They will have an open newspaper quiz on Thursday so they really need to pay close attention to subtitles, pictures, and the main events in the articles.  The next couple of days they will be assigned days to complete the activities on the back which will also be for a grade.

I have sent home a practice multiplication quiz which is similar to the actual quiz that will be given Tuesday, May 23rd.  Please time your child and practice the facts they do not know.  Students are to get these papers signed by an adult so that I know someone timed them on the quiz.  A new quiz will be sent home every day for practice.

PS: I am still grading some things.  Since these assignments involve rubrics, it may take me a while.  Parents please give me until tomorrow afternoon.

Thanks so much

Friday, May 12, 2017

Happy Friday! 5/12

Whew!  What a week!  We survived State Testing.  Students did an awesome job working hard and employing strategies to help the succeed on the test.  Make sure you check your child's Family Folder for information regarding SCHOOL FEES (this may not apply to every student)

Just a few dates and reminders:

Activities for the Week: Monday & Tuesday- Music; Wednesday- Art; Thursday & Friday- revised activity for testing

Monday (5/15)- Extra PE

Thursday (5/18)-  Book Club Projects Due

Monday (5/22)- MARS Challenge Project Presentations and Final Multiplication Test (0-10's)

May 23- eLc Step Up Day (9:00-10:00)

May 25- Final Grades Due

May 26- South Carolina Day (See blue form sent home in Family Folders for more information)

May 29- Memorial Day (NO SCHOOL)

May 30- Rocket Run (Please make sure you turn these in.  If your child does not return at least $2, they will not attend the event)

May 31- Early Dismissal; 4th Nine Weeks SOAR Celebration

June 1- Last Day of School; Early Dismissal; Report Cards Issued 

FYI: I will be busy this weekend uploading grades.  I am still grading some writing assignments at the moment.  Please be patient with me.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Testing Officially Begins Tomorrow!!! 5/9/17

Good afternoon/evening families,

I will not be giving homework on testing days.  However, I have sent home a practice Text Dependent Analysis passage and writing paper. (Passage Title "The Legend of the Black Fish")  We have talked about doing this type of writing and students even had practice with this on Monday's ELA Field Test.  The prompt is on the back.  They also have the rubric and writer's checklist with them.  Again, this is OPTIONAL, but work with your child to help them practice this type of writing.  Those who complete the writing and have it signed by parents will get an in class reward.  THE WRITING PAPER MUST BE SIGNED!

Also, I would like to give them a post-test snack.  If you would like to send in a healthy snack for after testing, you are free to do so (graham crackers, chips, granola bar) *KEEP IN MIND WE HAVE SOME PEANUT ALLERGIES*.  Please provide enough for 22 students.

If your child gets cold, it's best that they have a jacket or sweater to stay comfortable.

I also gave students an index card for them to write a positive quote for themselves to encourage self talk (what they say to themselves to stay on track).

For more State Testing information (sample questions, rubrics, and scoring information) click HERE!  Also, see my other blog post of test tips for parents.

SC Ready Tips for Students and Parents

Tips for doing YOUR BEST on the tests!
SC READY- Wednesday, May 10th - ELA Test Session 1 (Grades 3rd - 5th)
Thursday, May 11th - ELA Test Session 2 (Grades 3rd - 5th)
Friday, May 12th - Math (Grades 3rd - 5th)

1. Keep a positive attitude throughout the test and try to stay relaxed. If you start to feel nervous take a few deep breaths.
2. Pace yourself, don’t rush. Read the whole question and pay attention to all the details.
3. Look for keywords in every question to help you to understand and answer what is being asked of you.
4. A process of elimination may be helpful when answering multiple-choice questions. Remember multiple choice questions are about finding the most correct answer. (“Slash the trash”)
5. With multiple choice questions, try to think of the answer before looking at the choices. When you review the choices, cross off any that are clearly wrong. Then choose the best remaining answer.
6. Give it a try! If you don’t know the answer, don’t worry. Just do your best to answer the question and at the very least, go with the answer that seems correct.
7. Don’t worry if other students finish before you. Focus on what you are doing and what is in front of you. (Be the tortoise, not the hare)! :)


Help your child do his/her personal best by reviewing these tips and making sure your child gets a good night’s sleep. The day of the test your child should eat a good breakfast and arrive at school on time. Reiterate that you know your child is prepared and that by staying focused, he/she will do well!

Wednesday, May 3, 2017


Good afternoon,

For the trip tomorrow, we are going rain or shine.  Just a few reminders...

- Be there by 6:15(BUSES WILL LEAVE BY 6:30)

- We plan to return by 5:30 pm (be there to meet your child)

- Pack in a book bag the following (lunch and snack food, an ice pack for food)

- You may bring (Pillow, Camera, Sunglasses, Visor or Cap, Book to read, Spending Money)

- Apply sunscreen and use the restroom prior to coming on the trip

- Wear comfortable shoes (NO FLIP FLOPS) and BLUE CIVIL AIR PATROL T-SHIRT (several students mentioned they could not find this...WE GAVE THIS OUT AT THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR)

I know several parents may be worried about the trip.  Rest assured we will take every precaution to make sure everyone is safe and accounted for.  If we need you, we will get in contact with you IMMEDIATELY.