Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Welcome Families!! 8/23/17

Good evening families,

We have had a busy 2 days!  This is such an exciting time of the year. I want to apologize for what I would consider a late post.  I would just like to address some questions I have heard and possible what I think may be some questions for some of you.

Please check your child's agenda frequently for their homework assignments and reminders.  Homework should not take more than 60 minutes.  This will normally include 20-30 minutes of reading a night.  With that being said, the homework they have been assigned these past 2 days should take no more than 30 minutes.  See the "Expectations & Procedures" tab for homework updates.

Your child will receive an "official" homework folder next week.  For now, we have been using either the blue and white folder or their agendas to hold papers.

Your child should have received a login paper with information on how to sign up for Class Dojo.  This program allows you to see what is going on in the classroom with pictures I post as well as the student's posts.  I have written your child's user name and password on the bottom of the page as well.  Feel free to comment and ask your child questions about their "Class Story".

I will be calling you all on Friday to check in with you and your child.  I want to confirm how your child will go home everyday.  If you have any questions for me, I will be happy to address them all.

Please remember we are a uniform school.  We highly encourage students to come dressed in their school uniforms daily.  They will earn SOAR bucks as an incentive.

Paper Work/ Forms/ Fees
If you have any paper work that needs to be turned in, please give to your child to turn in to me.  I just ask that you make them aware that they need to give me this.

The school supply list included that your child needs to bring 4 composition notebooks.  One will be used for each subject area (ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies).  It is very important that they bring these in and are responsible for them daily.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call or email me.  I only ask that you call between 7:00-7:30 or 3:30-4:30 so that instruction is not being disrupted.  If it is an emergency, just contact the front office and they will make me aware.

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