Thursday, August 31, 2017

Newsletter 9/1/17

News and Happenings
September 1, 2017

Welcome to the 2017-18 School Year Everyone!
Wow, what a busy first week! We are still learning procedures for the classroom. Here are a few things we have been working on by subject areas:

Reading- We have not yet begun working on reading skills. We have only had Library orientation so that students can begin checking out books. It is imperative that students keep up with their books so that they can continue to check out books when we go to the library. We have incorporated reading through the use of Studies Weekly in Social Studies. See the Social Studies section to learn more.

Math- We have began discussing the meaning of multiplication. Students are grasping the concepts rather quickly. You will begin seeing homework for this Module next week once students have had more practice with the concepts. View this Parent Tip Sheet for Module 1 to see what we will be covering. It is a great idea to ask your child about some of the strategies and models we use in class.

Science- In Science, we have been learning about the Scientific Method through conducting our own experiment with lima beans. Next week we will begin learning about Environments and Habitats.

Social Studies- In Social Studies, our topic is "Where In the World Are We?" Students have been learning about the geography of the world as well as South Carolina's geography. We use Studies Weekly to learn about South Carolina. Week 1 discussed "Rivers and Regions" of South Carolina. We will continue to discuss this concept next week.

Mark Your Calendars
Parent Information Night - Thursday, September 7 from 5:30 - 6:30
Please make plans to attend this important session.
I will be sharing important curriculum, grade level, classroom, and grading and assessment information.
We request that this evening is attended by adults only in order to allow all parents and guardians a chance to focus on the information being presented as well as in consideration of space in the classroom.
New Parent Session - Thursday, September 7 from 6:30 - 7:00
Ms. Scullion will be available in the library to questions.  
All are welcome to come by!

EdVenture Family Night - Tuesday, September 12 from 5:00 - 8:00
Please help us help EdVenture as they plan for their FIRST school session of the year!  
Please complete the two question Google Form survey so we and the EdVenture staff can be prepared.
You may receive this from Mrs. Scullion as well.  
You do not have to complete it more than once,
but you will be able to go back in and edit it if something changes.
Remember that it is only $3.00 (ages 2 and up) and the school will get $2.00 of that back! Click the link for the EdVenture Family Night flyer.

Forest Lake Elementary PTO
Membership and Volunteering - It is never too late to join the Forest Lake Elementary PTO or volunteer to be involved in activities supported by our PTO.  Please check papers previously sent home. Click these links for the PTO form and the Volunteer form.

Charleston Wrap - Our first PTO fundraiser is well underway.  Our PTO uses all monies collected through membership and fundraising events to provide resources and support programs that impact all students! Click the link for the Charleston Wrap flyer.

Follow Up Information
Carpooling  - Mrs. Scullion sent a Google Form out on Tuesday.  Families interested in creating carpools should complete and submit by Friday morning. Here is the link for your convenience: Carpooling

Grade Level Email Lists - Remember to send Mrs. Scullion any email address that you would like to have included in the contact list.

Last, But Not Least …
Check out these great digital resources  …
NASA Space Place: Explore Earth and Space - Free Space Place newsletter subscription for teachers and parents.

Bedtime Math - This group’s goal is to make math a fun part of each child’s daily routine.

Eureka Math Parent Support - There are some great resources available free through this website. 

Monday, August 28, 2017

Homework and Reminders for Week of 8/28

Good evening families, 

Please go to the Expectations and Procedures page on this blog to see the homework for the week as well as important reminders and dates. 

Email me if you have any questions or concerns at 

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Summer Reading Celebration

Image result for summer reading
Please make sure your child turns in their Summer Reading Log by Friday so that they can attend the Summer Reading Celebration next Thursday.  Thank you!

Welcome Families!! 8/23/17

Good evening families,

We have had a busy 2 days!  This is such an exciting time of the year. I want to apologize for what I would consider a late post.  I would just like to address some questions I have heard and possible what I think may be some questions for some of you.

Please check your child's agenda frequently for their homework assignments and reminders.  Homework should not take more than 60 minutes.  This will normally include 20-30 minutes of reading a night.  With that being said, the homework they have been assigned these past 2 days should take no more than 30 minutes.  See the "Expectations & Procedures" tab for homework updates.

Your child will receive an "official" homework folder next week.  For now, we have been using either the blue and white folder or their agendas to hold papers.

Your child should have received a login paper with information on how to sign up for Class Dojo.  This program allows you to see what is going on in the classroom with pictures I post as well as the student's posts.  I have written your child's user name and password on the bottom of the page as well.  Feel free to comment and ask your child questions about their "Class Story".

I will be calling you all on Friday to check in with you and your child.  I want to confirm how your child will go home everyday.  If you have any questions for me, I will be happy to address them all.

Please remember we are a uniform school.  We highly encourage students to come dressed in their school uniforms daily.  They will earn SOAR bucks as an incentive.

Paper Work/ Forms/ Fees
If you have any paper work that needs to be turned in, please give to your child to turn in to me.  I just ask that you make them aware that they need to give me this.

The school supply list included that your child needs to bring 4 composition notebooks.  One will be used for each subject area (ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies).  It is very important that they bring these in and are responsible for them daily.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call or email me.  I only ask that you call between 7:00-7:30 or 3:30-4:30 so that instruction is not being disrupted.  If it is an emergency, just contact the front office and they will make me aware.

Monday, August 21, 2017

A Few More Things... 8/21/17

If you came to Meet and Greet, you noticed that I have a wish list.  These are optional items that I would like to have in the classroom that are not included in the "official school supply list".

If you are able to bring in these items, they would be greatly appreciated: (I also added a few more things...)
  • Kleenex
  • Sticky Notes
  • Classroom Store Items (little trinkets students can buy with SOAR bucks...McDonald's Kids Meal items work as well)
  • Personal Computer Mouse (for each student; it does not matter if it's wireless or not)
  • Stickers or Pictures for students to decorate notebooks
  • Highlighters
Thanks so much in advance

Friday, August 18, 2017

Important Info Before the 1st Day of School... 8/18/2017

If you need a reminder or if you missed eLc's Meet and Greet, here is a handout with important information for your family.  It is important to read over this information prior to the start of school so that any questions you have can be answered in a timely manner.

Below, you will see the after school programs offered at Forest Lake.  If you have any questions about these programs, please click on the links for more information.  If you have any questions about Forest Lake's After Care program, contact the school at 803-782-0470.

2017 - 18
After School Programs at Forest Lake Elementary     



We are excited to be able to offer so many after school opportunities this year.
Please contact the specific program with any questions you may have.
10% of each program’s weekly tuition fee goes back to the school

Each is linked to the website
Day Offered
K-2 Only
Register online
Students gather  in the cafeteria
Classes are held on the back playground
In case of inclement weather - Room TBD
$18 Registration Fee

Fall Session = 10 weeks for $99

Registration fee includes:
cost of our brand new Adidas jersey, mid-season review,
end-of-season certificate, weekly prizes and end-of-season prize
3:00 – 4:00

Fall Session
September 11 - November 13

Create an account and register online

Jazz & Ballet Class

Yearly Registration Fee $30
Annual Tuition $468
*Receive a 10% discount when you pay in
full for the year. A savings of $46.80*
Monthly Prorated Tuition $52 *9 Monthly Payments*
We accept personal checks, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and AMEX.
Pay online at our website
2:45 - 3:45
September 11 - May 25

Register online

Fall - $120
Spring - $160
3:00 – 4:00

September 5 - November 21

Request registration form from your child’s teacher

Room 12
Fall Session (September 12th – November 28th)
Spring Session (January 23rd – April 17th)
(Except April 3rd - Spring Break)

Fees: $10.00 per week
(one meeting per week for a total of 24 sessions)

($240 total – you can make two payments of $120.00)
3:00 – 4:00

September 12th – November 28th

Register Online

16 Week Session = $240
8 week session = $120
Per class (if a session is running) = $20
Great for trying it out
3:15 – 4:15

September 6 - December 6

Register Online
Students gather  in the cafeteria. Classes are held on the back playground.
In case of inclement weather - Room TBD
$20 registration per family
$55 per month per student or
$50 if paid by 7th of the month

3:00 – 4:00

September 6

Tumbling and Cheer Combination Class

Request registration form from your child’s teacher

$35 registration fee
$45 per month.  
10% sibling tuition discount.
3:15 - 4:00

Classes begin September 7

Bucket Drumming

To enroll your child call GMG Music Center at 728-3399 or enroll online  
The monthly tuition is $55.
There is a material fee of $25, which will include drumsticks, class material and their bucket.
3:00 - 3:40